Monday, April 3, 2023

[^.^Ayashi^.^] Shiina hair special for FaMESHed

 [^.^Ayashi^.^] take part at FaMESHed

Hey there, Ayashi here! We're excited to announce our latest release, Shiina, available now exclusively at FaMESHed.

This stunning hairstyle features two full and voluminous braids cascading beautifully down the back, adding a touch of playful flirtation to your avatar's look.

Perfect for any occasion, Shiina is a must-have addition to your hair collection. Don't miss out on the opportunity to grab this charming hairstyle today at FaMESHed!

Shiina hair is rigged mesh hair so please be careful and always grab a DEMO before purchasing.

Date: Each 1st of the month

Taxi to FaMESHed   


Mug - Jessie Dress &Jacket



Please always grab a DEMO before purchasing.

*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair!

*Unrigged mesh you are able to adjust placement using editing tools & resize with resizer script.  

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