Great summer for all [^.^Ayashi^.^] friends!
I have two hot news for you at once!
The first hot news is that the VIP Groupgift and Groupgift are
now available at the mainstore location!
Keya hair is a nice Groupgift and Makina hair is a VIP Groupgift.
VIP Groupgift is available only for members of the VIP Group. It costs 500L$ to join a VIP group.
Just wear your group tags, grab a gift and enjoy ^.^
Keya hair is unrigged mesh hair so you can find the right position for this mesh.
Makina hair is rigged mesh so please be careful and always grab a DEMO before purchasing.
Taxi to [^.^Ayashi^.^]
[700] x [V.C.LAB] Esper GACHA. common A 01
cheezu. marie outfit : legacy
The second great news is the start of The Summer Sale!
From August 6th to August 13th there will be The Summer Sale in [^.^Ayashi^.^] and {Limerence} mainstores!
Amazing hairs at 50% off and cool Gachas at 40L per play are waiting for you!
Summer is a time of beautiful photos and hot looks! Come and find your new hot style at [^.^Ayashi^.^] and {Limerence} mainstores!
*Unrigged mesh you are able to adjust placement using editing tools & resize with resizer script.
*Rigged MESH. You CAN'T resize and re-position hair!
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