Saturday, September 1, 2018

[^.^Ayashi^.^] Rinika gacha special for The Imaginarium

[^.^Ayashi^.^] take part at The Imaginarium

The Imaginarium features the Gachas and Exclusives you have come to know and love from Gimme Gacha Creators plus HUNDREDS of single items available at enormous discounts!

Here is how it works!
Each Creator have been given a booth. Inside that booth you will find an amazing gacha and special exclusive item both unique to The Imaginarium event. Along side those you will also find tons of items from our Creators shops at insane discounts! How insane you ask? The single items are priced to match the gachas!

And my new release special for this event is Rinika gacha. 75L$ per play and 2 hairs&headdress with special price only 75L$ ^.^

Free gift for The Imaginarium group just grab it and enjoy

More info here

Taxi to  The Imaginarium